SHELTIE OF THE YEAR 'Ch Edenmist Midori'
RUNNER UP 'Ch Shelton Luv N Miranda' ********************************************************************************
Note: Best Sheltie, Runner-Up, Best Dog and Best Bitch points are tallied only from Challenge, Reserve Challenge, Best of Breed and Reserve of Breed. Group and In Show wins do not count wins from the CSSC Specialty shows. I certify to the best of my knowledge that the points listed are correct based on information supplied to me and/or published in PawPrint. (Jeanine Bishop, Points Steward)Best Dog of the year -- Ch Edenmist In The Spirit 2. Scattald Midnight Jack 3. Ch Lounda Time To Dream (Imp Aust) Best Bitch of the year -- Ch Edenmist Midori 2. Ch Shelton Luv N Miranda 3. Ch Edenmist Spellbinder Open of the year -- Ch Shelton Luv N Miranda 2. Ch Eyespy Line Of Duty 3. = Ch Scattald Midnight Magic & Ch Lounda Time To Dream (Imp Aust) Intermediate of the year -- Ch Edenmist Dark And Deadly 2. Ch Eastonia Summer Time Fantasy 3. Shelcroft Rocabille Romance Junior of the year -- Ch Janter Monty Luna Of Rosecourt 2. Shelcroft Rocabilli Romance 3. Ch Edenmist Spellbinder Puppy of the year -- Edenmist Midori 2. Scattald Midnight Jack 3. = Lady Morag Of Scattald & Edenmist In The Spirit Baby Puppy of the year -- Lady Morag Of Scattald NZ Bred of the year -- Ch Edenmist In The Spirit 2. Ch Edenmist Deadly Nightshade 3. Ch Eyespy Tri N Impress Moi Brood Bitch of the year -- Ch Edenmist Talisman 2. Ch Edenmist Pagansaint 3. Ch Edenmist Casting Shadows Best Stud Dog of the year -- Ch Eastonia Saint I Aint 2. Ch Edenmist Chaos And Creation 3 NZ Ch & NZ Spl Ch Aus Sup Ch Shatrin Saints Beckon Best Sable/sable white of the year -- Ch Edenmist Midori 2. Scattald Midnight Jack 3. Ch Edenmist Spellbinder Best Tri Colour of the year -- Ch Edenmist Dark And Deadly 2. Shelcroft Rocabille Romance 3. Ch Eyespy Tri Impress Moi Group / In Show winner -- Ch Edenmist Midori 2. = Ch Edenmist Dark And Deadly & Scattald Midnight Jack 3. Ch Edenmist Spellbinder Neuter and Spay of the year -- Ch Edenmist Talisman Breeder Trophy 1st Edenmist - Cummings 2nd Scattald - Holmes 3rd Shelton - Greer